Wednesday, October 08, 2008


The economic news from Iceland is really, really bad; and I am more distressed by it than what's happening here. The US is a very big, very rich country with a lot of natural resources and a huge internal market. If we decide to fix our problems, we can. For that matter, we probably have the resources to fix the world's problems, though it isn't likely we will.

Iceland is a lot more vulnerable.

The Icelanders probably should have stuck to cod and sheep and geothermal power. I was out in an Icelandic fishing boat once. Those cod are a very reliable looking fish.

Finance is a mug's game.


Blogger Unknown said...

... and 99% literacy (according to the CIA's World Fact Book) ... and being able to read their sagas in the original language, which (in its written form, anyway) is "modern" Icelandic.

12:27 PM  
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12:44 PM  
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6:29 AM  

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