Monday, August 14, 2006

Eleanor Arnason News


I have a story ("Big Green Mama Falls in Love") coming out this month (August) in Eidolon 1, an anthology edited by Jonathan Strahan and Jeremy G. Byrne. This is the first time (as far as I know) that I've been published in Australia. I wanted to go to the publication party, but couldn't manage the time and money necessary.

"Knapsack Poems" is going to be reprinted in the third Tiptree anthology. The story was reprinted in David Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer's best of the year anthology two or three years ago, and I am pretty sure it was a Nebula finalist. I don't always pay attention the way I should to awards, mostly because it's too stressful waiting to find out if I have or haven't won.

"Big Black Mama" (originally printed in Tales of the Unanticipated) was reprinted in Tales of the Wyrd, an annual chapbook put out by the Wyrdsmiths, which is my writing group. The chapbook is available from the Wyrdsmiths website. I have three Big Mama stories complete and one more in the works. I should really think of putting out a chapbook.


I'm planning to attend ICFA, the International Convention on the Fantastic in the Arts, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in March, 2007; and a week later I will be the author guest of honor at Marscon in Minneapolis.

My usual conventions are Wiscon at the end of May in Madison, Wisconsin and Diversacon in August in the Twin Cities. I do these two every year. In addition, I would like to make Readercon in the Boston area next year.

If you want to find me, these are the best places to look.


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