Sunday, June 29, 2008

Boy, That Fresh Air Feels Good!

I had a bad day yesterday -- no real reason, just a bad mood. The day was gray, as if there was going to be a good steady rain. But only sprinkles fell. If it's going to be that dark, I want the kind of rain that makes you happy to be inside, lying on the couch reading, while the rain beats against the windows next to you. But no, there were only a few drops now and then. I felt discouraged by life and world politics.

Patrick and I went to the Magamall to walk around. I needed some thick cotton socks for my new exercise program. I got two pairs and then two pairs of socks that were not thick and athletic, but were fun. Then I bought a pen, which I do not need, especially I don't need a fancy Cross pen that costs too much. But I was in a foul mood; and what do Americans do when they are feeling bad? At least I didn't go to the Bose store and spend $1,000. Though I need Bose earphones and a Bose CD player a lot more than I need another pen.

In what sense do I need any of these things?

Well, maybe the thick cotton socks. Exercising in thin socks is not much fun, and thick wool socks sound kind of awful this time of year.

Today I feel much better.

I am going to have to do some research for my Brer Rabbit story, and know exactly the books I want to read. One is Indignant Heart, an autobiography by a black auto worker who came to Detroit in the 1920s, if I remember correctly. I have the book. It's a fragile paperback that I've had for more than 30 years.

The other book is Detroit, I Do Mind Dying, a book about rank and file black activism in the auto plants in the 1960s. I also have that book. It's old as well, but not as old.

I checked Amazon. Indignant Heart has been reprinted a couple of times and is available new. So I ordered it. Detroit, I Do Mind Dying is only available used, so I will read my copy.


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