Saturday, August 09, 2014


I Googled the names of a number of SF writers I like last night. I decided I wanted recent news about them, so I checked their blogs. They all had blogs, but almost none were up-to-date. All had good websites, and several mentioned that they had moved on to facebook or Twitter. So, is blogging passe? Should I stop?

I started blogging years ago -- I think in 2006 -- because I wanted to be sure people could find me on the Internet. I thought setting up a blog would be easier than setting up a new website. (A kind friend set up a website for me years ago, but I had been thinking of something newer and glitzier. Instead, I settled for this blog.)

I don't think I'm a good blogger, and I don't have much of an audience. But the blog has an email address, and a few times people have used that, which has been useful. I've made sales because of the address and gotten fan mail.

Maybe it's time to find someone to make me a glitzy website. I'm on facebook and enjoy it. I refuse to get on Twitter or Tumblr.


Blogger Thomas Tilton said...

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3:50 PM  
Blogger Foxessa said...

The most recent newest thing for sf/f writers seems to be the old school subscription e-mail newsletter. I've seen several sf/f writers plead for interested subscribers to their Brand New Newletter in the last few weeks.

However, judging by their own descriptions, the newsletters will simply be the same thing as on their blogs, fbs, etc. -- all about their appearances and writing -- it's hard to see what they think what effect having that newsletter is supposed to have.

One wonders who had a great success with their newsletter subscriptions that set off these writers to do the same?

Our long established e-mail list serve continues to grow, a subscriber at a time. It's awfully big now, and very high quality of subscribers, i.e. professionals of various sorts who are interested in what we do.

But the deal is we seldom write about ourselves. It's about other matters which are interesting to such a list, including economics, politics, a lot about music and other musicians, announcements of upcoming events that we may be attending (not our own, though we do those too), and our Top Reading for the year pdf, of our own and our subscribers' choice of books that most impressed them in the last twelve months.

Something goes out almost every day. That pdf is days of work.

But it has impact, of all kinds. Every event we attend there are attendees who are there because of da List.

But -- it's work, a lot of it, right down to formatting and fact-checking, dealing with the service through which it managed (it's too large to do from an email account).

Love, C.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Obat Wasir said...

"tak berkategori tips menghilangkan kencing nanah cara menghilangkan ujung penis keluar nanah ujung kemaluan keluar nanah"

12:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tempat beli dan jual hasil laut dan darat

6:07 PM  

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